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Elizabeth Parker|Author of Dog Books, Thrillers, Romance, Children's books &
Inspirational Books
Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books, Thrillers & More
I'm Elizabeth Parker-an author of dog books, thrillers, and suspenseful romance books. Thanks for visiting my blog where you will find topics related to dogs, books, and more!
Throughout my career, I've penned over 20 books (find them here)!
If you're a dog lover, or love books in general, you're in the right place
*Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
Sep 26, 20244 min read
Inspiration for All
Giovanna realized humanity wasn’t dead; it had just been hiding. Her story is an inspiration for all!
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books
Sep 26, 20243 min read
Review of Dazzber Martingale Collar
Unlike standard collars, the Dazzber Martingale Collar has an extra loop that offers more control.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
Sep 26, 20243 min read
Awake from the Pandemic
The Pandemic. Wow. We all have our interpretation of how we dealt with it! I'm glad to see people awake from the pandemic!
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
Sep 26, 20244 min read
Thrillers, Suspenseful Romance and Inspirational Books
If you love thrillers, Suspenseful romance, or inspirational books, you've come to the right place. Find a broad list of all three here.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books
Sep 26, 20244 min read
What to Expect When Moving Away
Have you ever moved far away from your comfort zone? I wonder if you had felt the same shock that I did.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
Jul 3, 20245 min read
Benefits of a Kindle
There are many benefits of a Kindle that you can’t find with a regular book!
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
Jun 6, 20245 min read
Ten Tips To Save Money
Here are Ten Tips To Save Money and Keep Expenses Down!
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books
May 29, 20245 min read
Are Dogs Affordable?
There are many benefits to sharing your home with a dog! But are dogs affordable?
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 28, 20243 min read
Remember When?
Here are some things I remember from years ago. Let's see if you do too.!
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 27, 20246 min read
Coyotes in Las Vegas
Coyotes don't attack for the fun of it. They attack to survive.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 25, 20245 min read
Phobias- Where Do they Originate?
Phobias are described as intense fears either rational or irrational and can be caused by something substantial or nothing at all.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 20, 20244 min read
Canine Cancer
No one wants to hear that their dog has cancer. Here are some ways to help cope.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 19, 20245 min read
Ten Places to Visit in Las Vegas
Ten Places to Visit in Las Vegas
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 19, 20243 min read
Puppy Showers and Dog Showers
Expectant mothers still have baby showers, but the forecast now sprinkles a new type of shower: Puppy showers and dog showers!
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 18, 20243 min read
A Simple day. A Simple Man. A BIG TOPIC! The Light at the End of the Tunnel
The Light at the End of the Tunnel is a book about a man's struggle with anxiety and depression and coping strategies to overcome his battle
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 16, 202410 min read
Ten Tips for Effective Dog Training
Ten Tips for Effective Dog Training
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 16, 20243 min read
How Social Media Influences Us
The pros and cons of social media.
How social media has influenced us as a society.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 14, 20245 min read
How To Care For a Senior Dog
Caring for a senior pet may become somewhat stressful as you worry about their well-being, but you can still enjoy life with them.
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
May 5, 20241 min read
Happy Mother's Day! From Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books, Thrillers and More!
Happy Mother's Day! From Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books, Thrillers and More! That special day is only a week away. Henry, Toby and...
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Elizabeth Parker-Author of Dog Books and Thrillers
Apr 22, 20245 min read
Become Friends With Your Adopted Rescue Dog
Repetition, Patience and Observing your Dogs Goes a Long Way. In time, you'll be best friends with your adopted dog!
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