How Social Media Influences Us
As someone who spends most of their days in front of a computer, a good portion of my time is spent on some form of social media. While it is an excellent tool from both a personal and business perspective, one has to wonder what type of influence social media has on all of us.
There are many things I enjoy about all of the platforms. I love seeing photos of friends and family, especially those living far away. It is a beautiful way to stay connected. During the pandemic, it was beneficial as many of us were separated from our loved ones for over a year.
I'm also a big fan of the memories that appear on Facebook. I like looking back to see what I've been doing all this time and seeing previous pictures through the years.
As an author, I use social media to meet new people, exchange ideas, update my profile, and share dog stories and updates about upcoming books or signings.

I have to say the platforms have changed throughout the years, and it seems I have to scroll through the unknowns to find a post from an actual friend, hopefully. Or, I have to specifically click on each friend’s profile to see if I missed anything! I’m not loving that aspect.
Overall, it’s been somewhat helpful in the past, but I think there is a certain degree of negativity with social media.
Back in the day (and yes, you can guess my age), there was no such thing as cyberbullying. Honestly, I’m not even sure there was much in-person bullying, either. It seems the number of people getting bullied has skyrocketed, and cyberspace only made that worse.
Sadly, I’ve witnessed even family members “bullying” one another online, airing their arguments for the world to see. There is something to be said about the “olden” days when, if you had a problem, it wasn’t broadcasted online, and we could just pick up a telephone and hash it out privately. I'm thankful that I'm not in the middle of any argument, or at least I don't think I am. I'd have to scroll through tons of posts to find out! :)

With the anonymity that goes hand-in-hand with cyberspace, I’ve noticed arguments escalate more than they should, and this time, there is a receptive audience watching from the comforts of their homes. I suppose it allows us to share our views freely, which sometimes can be good. Sometimes, not so good.

Regardless of our diverse opinions, we’ve forgotten how to play nicely with others. I find it sad how social media influences us. We are all unique and have specific reasons for our opinions, so why can’t we discuss them in an open forum without being condemned? It seems like technology brings us so many amazing advancements, yet, we still find a way to turn it into something sinister and negative. That's partly the inspiration for my book, Virtuous Victory. I never want to forget that there are still good people out there!

There’s also the mental health aspect. It’s normal to see highlights of a person’s life when they appear to live in a goldmine, but we must remember that everyone has their own troubles. No one’s life is magical (and if it is, I’d love to know their secret)!

It’s important to remember that what goes on social media isn’t necessarily one hundred percent true. We never know what goes on behind closed doors, so there is no sense in “envying” someone based solely on their post. In addition, with the introduction of image modification apps, it's easy to look "flawless" online!

Overall, I enjoy many aspects of social media, and when used positively, it can yield amazing results. It can bring people together, as long as we are careful not to let it tear us apart!
What is your opinion of social media? Do you feel that social media influences us? Also, do you think it has helped or hindered our society?