Keeping Your Home Safe and Comfortable for Your Dog!
Sharing your home with a dog is definitely a fabulous experience. They know how to brighten our days and make us smile, even when the world casts a darkened shadow.
It’s easy to forget that they are animals. After all, they become such an integral part of our families. They understand our words, gestures, and even small clues we didn’t know we were giving!
When they are puppies or new to the home, it can take a while to get acclimated and learn what is allowed and what is not. They soon learn what is expected of them and what they can expect from us.
Just as they observe us, we watch them, too. We start learning their body language. They bark one way when they want a treat or whine a specific melody when they want to go outside.
Although we technically speak a different language, that barrier is broken in time, and we can converse with them without words.
That’s pretty incredible!
Having a puppy or dog isn’t always easy, especially in the beginning when you are still exploring each other’s personalities, quirks, fears, requirements, and so much more.

One thing that makes owning a dog a little simpler is making sure your home is safe and comfortable for your pup!
Keeping Your Home Safe and Comfortable for Your Dog!
Whenever I’m asked this question, I have the same response, as silly as it may seem. My response is to get on your dog’s level. You can do this simply by sitting on the floor or bending down to see what their eyes see.
Next, observe what interests your dog.Â
For example, if you have a stuffed animal on top of a dresser, and you see your dog eyeing that stuffed animal, chances are, eventually, that stuffed animal will be theirs. If this is something you don’t want to happen, you’ll need to move that toy to a higher location. Keep in mind dogs can be crafty. If you move it higher, gauge if there’s anything your dog can jump on to get that toy! If there is, you may want to be more creative!

If your dog constantly inspects your electrical outlets, you may want to babyproof those and insert an outlet cover.
My dog, Ginger, used to try to chew electrical cords when it thundered. I had never seen that before, but I had to react quickly. Hence, I hid all of my wires behind the furniture. Ginger has since passed away, but I still keep the cords hidden. Better to be safe than sorry!
In addition, you may want to keep the following on hand. You never know when you will need them, (or why)!
Paper towels
Spot cleaner
Grooming supplies
Medications stored in a safe location (including Benadryl)!
It’s helpful to know where these things are if your pup has an accident in the house or gets stung by an insect.
Your vet and Emergency vet’s phone number in plain sight.
Being organized helps when an emergency arises!
Some Items that Help Keep Your Home Safe for Your Dog
If your dog is constantly going in the garbage, you may need to move it or get a different garbage pail. For instance, my dogs think every container holds their toys. So, if there’s a bathroom garbage pail on the floor, they would be more than happy to inspect it and find a new treasure. Yes, tissues are a treasure to dogs! So, as unconventional as it may seem in my bathroom, my trash pail is on top of the toilet tank. If that’s not an option, perhaps get a pedal garbage pail.

Along those lines, be careful if you get a garbage pail requiring one to step on the pedal. Dogs are intelligent and will knock it over or use their snout to open it.Â
In the kitchen, you can either put your pail under the sink or buy one with a secure lid that isn’t easily removable.
While I’d love to have a pail with a sensor that opens the lid automatically, it is not feasible for my home. My dogs would have a field day with that and constantly walk near it to open it.Â

I found the perfect pail for the kitchen, and I’ll put the link below. It is a step trash can that is not easily knocked over, and the lid is almost impossible to open without stepping on the pedal.
I bet you never thought one could talk so highly about a garbage pail!
Next, consider a baby gate. For many dogs, a simple baby gate will suffice. However, I have two extra large dogs. They are both strong, powerful, determined, and persistent! The typical baby gates you find at the pet store were mere obstacles for my dogs, but within minutes, they could knock them over with one quick push.

When my dog, Henry, had Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) surgery, I needed a way to keep my dogs separated. This was an arduous task since they had never been apart. They play, sleep, eat, and play a little more together. They are both protective of each other. So, you can imagine the challenge!

In my quest to find the perfect gate, I tried many. To complicate things, I needed to section my kitchen off my living room. The width was longer than standard gates. I also needed to make sure it was high enough. My dog, standing on all fours, is up to my waist. Lastly, I needed a pressure-mounted gate because the area where I was installing it had tile on one side of the wall. Now, that was a tall order (pun intended)!
You’ll be happy to know I found exactly what I was looking for. Whew! Not only is it the perfect gate for big dogs, but if you have a smaller dog or a kitty who needs to get through, there’s a tiny gate underneath, and you can set the height for it! I don’t have a kitty or a small dog, but I thought that was a phenomenal feature!

It’s extra tall at 41 inches and adjusts to fit spaces 29.75 to 52 inches wide.
The door swings in one or both directions.Â
If you’re like me, you may allow your dog carte blanche to jump on whatever furniture they desire. My dogs are allowed on the couches and beds. Thankfully, they don’t sit at the dinner table, but that’s only because they wouldn’t fit in the seat!Â
Along that vein, my dogs want time to themselves. It’s not often, but it happens. Or, they get too hot on the furniture with Las Vegas temperatures sometimes rising more than 110 degrees.Â
I have always had a few dog beds in the house, allowing them to lay where they choose. I’m picky with the beds I purchase, and I want them to be comfortable enough and supportive enough for my pups. As they get older, they need comfort just as humans do!

I found a brand I love. It’s called Fuhaven, an orthopedic bed 40 inches long and 32 inches wide. Both dogs can actually fit on one. However, they don’t look as comfortable squished together. So, I bought two and put them side by side. They are shaped like a chaise and have washable covers. I cover them both with a fitted sheet to make it a little easier for clean up.
Another brand I love is BarksBar Snuggly Sleeper. This is also an orthopedic bed and is super comfortable! It offers a plush sleeping space for my dogs, and I will admit, I’ve sat on it, and it is almost more comfortable than my own bed. If only they made them in human size! These are 40 inches long and 30 inches wide. I found that only one dog could rest comfortably in one of these as it has padded rims, which is great for them to rest their furry heads on!
I thought I had life all figured out when I bought an adorable container for my pet’s dog food. It was shaped like a garbage pail and was decorated beautifully. This worked great for years until last year. A bunch of moths decided to take residence. All together now…eooowww!
So, I dumped the food in the trash can and washed this pail out thoroughly. Before adding any new food, I made sure the moths were gone. They weren’t. I tried again—more moths in an empty can.
After a few more tries, I gave up and found a container on Amazon that seemed to do the trick.
Fingers crossed!
It is collapsable, so you can add as much or as little food as you want, up to 30 pounds. It has a clear, locking lid that lifts, so you can quickly get to the dog food. It is made of plastic and has proven to be durable.
Also, I love that it fits nicely in my pantry and doesn’t take up much space!
Foldable Octagonal Metal Exercise Pet Play Pen
I had initially bought this when Henry had the TPLO surgery. It didn’t work out in my home for that purpose. However, it has been fantastic for other purposes! Its dimensions are 60x60x42, and it folds in half, or in an octagon or a square. If you have puppies, it is a great way to keep them in a safe area. I use it to section off part of a room when I fold it in half. It’s helpful when I have guests staying at my house. Since my dogs can be a bit rambunctious, I use this to separate them for moments when I’m not there to monitor them. It’s also helpful when someone works inside the home or does maintenance. My dogs are notorious for wanting to lend a hand, but it is not such a great idea when a worker stands on a ladder. This enables them to get their job done and be safe in the process!
Babyproof Cabinet Lock
A babyproof cabinet lock is one last gadget I had never needed before but has been a priority. I have cabinets that sometimes open just by pushing on them too hard. With two big dogs, this happens daily! These locks are so easy to place on the door knobs and keep curious pups from helping themselves to a bowl of cereal or a few snacks!
I hope this has helped you with keeping your home safe and comfortable for your dog! As I come across new discoveries, I’ll be sure to add them to this post! Feel free to add any tips in the comments.Â
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