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Cover for Occupational Hazard-A thriller by Elizabeth Parker

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Occupational Hazard-A Thriller by Elizabeth Parker.

Ellie had been watching him for years and admired his charm, his knowledge, his success. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would work beside him, but luck was on her side. She was granted the opportunity of a lifetime. At first she had been a captive audience hoping to learn what she could. They developed a great working relationship, complete with hard work, fun banter and mutual respect. It wasn't until she noted bizarre occurrences making her realize that the very person she looked up to wasn't who he claimed to be after all. If her suspicions were correct, he might be tied to some of the most horrific cold case crimes in the valley.

There are times when the truth reveals itself and we acknowledge it for a brief moment as we would an old acquaintance, moving on and going about our day, choosing to believe the lies instead--their familiarity providing more comfort than the truth. Often, we see what we want to see, but do we truly know the identity behind the mask?


Occupational Hazard will keep you reading way into the night!

2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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