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Pet's Medical Journal

Pet's Medical Journal is perfect for recording inportant information about your pet or pets.  Inside, find guided pages for your Veterinary records, allergies, vaccinations, photos and more!

Record your pet's medical records in this organized pet journal.  Plenty of pages for multiple issues or multiple pets!

I thought of a journal because while I've been fortunate with some of my dogs only needing to visit the vet for their annual checkup, I've also had dogs (especially my current dog) who needs to visit the vet at least once a month on a good month. I found documenting these occurrences extremely helpful. It's a great tool not only for your current pet, but if future pets develop any of the same symptoms or illnesses. I find it's so hard to keep track, especially if you have more than one pet at a time. This is an easy, detailed way to look back and see what worked and what didn't.

Included, you’ll find space for twenty separate entries:

Emergency Contact Numbers

Vet Visits

Vaccination Records



Symptoms should illnesses arise

Notes for your Dog Sitter

Feeding Instructions

Helpful Tips



…and more!


#pet medical journal

#cat medical journal

#dog Medical Journal

2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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