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Finally Home is an uplifting dog book where the dog doesn't die at the end!

Cover for Finally Home- a comical book about dog training and dog adoption and rescue.  An uplifting book where the dog doesn't die!


When I wrote Finally Home, I had a few goals in mind.  I wanted to make it a  feel-good book with a happy ending.  Finally Home is a book about dogs where the dog doesn’t die at the end.  In fact, Buddy was sitting by my side the entire time, feeding me ideas while I rewarded him with praise (and treats)!

About the Book:

What happens when you take an enthusiastic, healthy young pup and try to set boundaries?


Find out in Finally Home.  A book about a dog whose first year of life was spent being shuffled between homes before finally settling down with a family who took the time to understand him, work with him and fall head-over-heels in love with him.

The hilarious acts he committed from ingesting a bottle cap to barging into neighboring houses kept his owners on their toes, wondering if they made the right decision to adopt him.


Buddy was a dog that no one had wanted, yet he became one of the quirkiest, friendliest, smartest and cherished of dogs.


Buddy's story will provide hope to those living through a similar ordeal that they can overcome difficult training issues and they will learn from the initial mistakes that Buddy's owners had made.  Learn the dos and don'ts of dog training courtesy of my mistakes and lessons learned!

"There is a time in most people’s lives when they’ve been emotionally inspired or amazed by something that was completely unexpected. Sometimes it is so touching that they want to share their experience with the world and tell their story.  

This particular story is about a precious heart along with a free-spirited little boy who owns that heart. This little boy has expressive brown eyes, a beautiful smile, and a golden-brown coat that he never takes off. He also has a huge pinkish-brown nose and four very fast legs. His name is Buddy. He answers to that…when he wants to."  Taken from Finally Home.  An uplifting dog book by author Elizabeth Parker.

2024 Elizabeth Parker- LAS VEGAS-  Dog Lover Books - Books for Dog Lovers-Thriller Books


“A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not.

A thing is disposable. A dog is not.

A thing doesn’t have a heart.

A dog’s heart is bigger than any “thing” you can ever own.” 
- Paw Prints in the Sand-

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