Elizabeth Parker|Author of Dog Books, Thrillers, Romance, Children's books &
Inspirational Books
Dog Book
A Guide to Help Care for Your Dog
Dog Book-A Guide to Help Care for Your Dog. This book covers various topics about dogs such as dog training, dog care, Dog grooming, and more!
I've touched on care and health for dogs, tips for a first-time dog owner, and how to care for your dog. This book was to serve as a guide to dog care. As they say, the more you know, the better!
In it, you'll find information about illnesses, dog rescue, breeds, the importance of exercise, grooming, tips on training, dealing with behavioral issues, puppy mills, and no dog book would be complete without heartwarming stories.
When you open this unique book about dogs, you can begin reading at any chapter. It is versatile in the sense that a reader can pay particular attention to the portion of the book that interests them at that moment in time.
Since it is not a story that follows a chronological timeline, each section will be comprehensible whether it is read on its own, or in page order.
If you're a dog owner, potential dog owner or just love dogs, Dog Book is sure to fulfill you with helpful tidbits or touching tales.
“A dog's motto: Play, enjoy life, and live simply. Live in the moment. Love those close to you and remain loyal.
We're supposed to be intellectually superior but is it possible they are the smarter of the species?”
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